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The challenge « My body, my baby, my birth! » is going to continue on one year !

4 Mar

The first of March 2013 came and went, time to make our balance and checks!

The challenge of getting 1000 testimonies in one month is now over!

On February 28, our team has published 336 testimonies:

-205 disrespected births

– 131 respected births

Your testimonies come from Frace, Belgium, Luxemburg, The Netherlands, Switserland, Spain, Italy, Greece, Tunisia, Israel, Canada, USA and Australia. You have written to us in French, Dutch, English, Spanish, Italian, Greek* and Catalan.

Our team has been moved by your trust, for confiding in us such intimate stories. Your testimonies have blown us away, brought us to tears of joy and tears of pain and anger…

Some mothers have told us how relieved they were to find that they are not alone. Herein lies the reason for existence of this challenge. This has convinced us even more of the importance to spread these stories of disrespected birth.

Our team is pumped by the energy brought on by the influx of your emails… It is with great emotion that we decided to lenthen the challenge: 1000 testimonies in 1 year!!!

This will allow us to reunite more than the 1000 stories we set out for and prepare a very complete manifesto for the IWRC*** of May 2014!

We leave you with quite some time to spread our challenge, so we can gather at least 1000 testimonies before the end of January 2014. Do you think this is possible? We are convinced!

– Team My body, my baby my birth –

 (*) Greek testimonies have not been published yet, our team will soon be joined by Greek administrators

(**) IWRC : international week for respected childbirth (every year in May)

(***) We are 9 determined women, mothers or not yet (the presentation of outr team will follow shortly on the blog)

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